Love looks not with the eyes, but the mind. And therefore, is winged cupid is painted blind.

[Created by Majesty 2020]

》Moniker《 Meiling Yawen Song》Pronounciation《 (may-ling) (yaw-en) (so-ng)》Alias《 N/a》Maturity《 3.4 Yrs》Disability《 Congenital Cateracts》Gender《 Feminine》Sexuality《 Bisexual》Pronouns《 She/Her》Species《 Tundra Wolf mix》Village《 Skyheimr》Rank《 Medic》Voice Claim《 Lara Jill Miller (As Haru in the Beastars English dub)》Scent《 Herbs and berries》Main Theme《 The Moon Will Sing by The Crane Wives》Playlist《 Blind Little Dove

Trust yourself. You've survived a lot, and you'll survive whatever is coming.

》Height《 26 in/ 66 cm》Weight《 70 lbs/ 31.7 kg》Body Type《 Thin, petite》Body Condition《 Underweight (11 lbs/ 4.9 kg), good》Hygiene《 Good》Scars《 N/a》Deformities《 N/a》Apparel《 Heart stone necklace, flower basket, & brown leather bag》Assets《 Medicine. Stamina. Agility. Tracking. Swimming.》Flaws《 Strength. Hunting. Combat. Endurance. Fast Travel.

Upon first meeting Meiling, many can take note of how small she is when compared to other wolves and dogs. Her frame is lithe and lean, containing very little muscle and a few of her ribs are visible through her dense coat. All around her build is more suited to agility and stamina, unable to deal heavy blows in combat or have a high endurance. Her fur is quite fluffy and thick and is almost completely white save for the cream hues on the inside of her ears.Mei's tail isn't too densely covered in fur but it's of a medium length. The she-wolf's nose and paw pads are a dark charcoal color, well suited to her black nails. But her most notable trait has to be her eyes, as they're always open wide and filled with an intense wonder. They're also brown but covered in a clouded cornea, making them lighter in hue than normal.Apparel-wise the white wolf chooses to stick to the essentials, or they are in her eyes at least, which consist of a stone heart-shaped necklace she has yet to receive, a bag for herbs and salves, and a large flower basket capable of holding a good-sized bouquet. Due to her line of duty, she never goes anywhere without her bag and upon being gifted to her, the necklace became an everyday staple in her attire.

Hope is the only thing stronger than fear.

》+《 Adventurous. Benevolent. Capable. Contemplative. Dynamic.》=《 Sympathetic. Honest. Curious. Formal. Impressionable.》-《 Anxious. Undemanding. Conformist. Excitable. Indecisive.

Having not been allowed to do much in her life until leaving her family, Meiling tends to leap into situations headfirst without knowing the full story. Fear of being hurt is never a driving factor in her thoughts or behavior, as getting injured is a normal part of life with each scar being a story. And while it could be considered reckless, it's undeniable that she's willing to try out new things without question. In turn, the she-wolf has opened herself to all kinds of experiences that aren't always bad and could aid in furthering her knowledge. Being relatively new to everything, the white wolf looks at new things with a sense of wonder and endless curiosity, and it has yet to be deterred. But this isn't where her wonder ends, Meiling is a caring and compassionate soul that only ever wants the best for everyone. And if she can help, she most definitely will. She also has a tendency to collect flowers and give them out to anyone she meets in hopes that it'll be a high point on an otherwise bad day. Everyone is to be treated as a friend unless they give her a reason not to, which would take a lot given her big heart. Despite what Mei's disability may have one think or much rather what her family was led to believe, she has the capability of remaining calm and level-headed in tense unavoidable situations that arise throughout her life. Making tough choices quickly and correctly more often than not.Meiling could also step up if she absolutely has to, but it's quite rare and only reserved for the direst of circumstances. Considering this, it goes without saying that the she-wolf is smart and knows when to put that to good use. This has kept her going and alive in instances with the bleakest outlook. However, it must be noted that Mei actively learns how to make decisions and be more self-reliant because she never wants to be seen as lesser. When she's not being adventurous, the she-wolf often thinks things over with great thought to weigh in what she can gain and lose, although losses really aren't thought of as deeply as they could be. Meiling also thinks about the individuals she's met and what she's learned about them as her inquisitive nature begs her to discover as much as she can about those around her. Overall, she could be described as a joy to be around. Mei brings an optimistic and friendly aura with her wherever she goes and she's always willing to listen to whoever asks. Throughout her life, she always looks to the bright side as if darkness simply doesn't exist. Focusing on the negatives has never helped her, so the she-wolf ignores them entirely. To her, there's always more light than darkness, and aiding someone in knowing that is the highest point of her day.Showing everyone kindness has always been second nature to the she-wolf, as she offers forgiveness easily even if one isn't too deserving of it. And Meiling can be a shoulder for anyone to cry on, it doesn't bother her in the slightest, and anyone can be granted her comfort. Those close to her will also receive her utmost support and respect for simply being themselves. But it does go without saying that Mei does know when someone absolutely isn't worthy of her love, such as if one continues to do bad things and is unwilling to change. Or if they're just proven to be genuinely evil. A truly neutral trait of the she-wolf's is her honesty, as she'll never tell a lie even if it was to make one feel better. Telling the absolute truth is something she feels she must always abide by, especially considering it's what she wants in return. One of the worst things someone could do to Meiling is to lead her to believe in a mistruth. But the she-wolf does know that there are times when she must close her mouth, which she'll do quite literally. Instead of a lie, Mei opts to just not speak. It's a way to prevent something hurtful from being said but if prying were to happen, it's fairly easy to get the truth out of her. Like being truthful, the white wolf's curiosity also has a possibly harmful outcome. She always wants to find answers to any questions she may have, which can be sometimes invasive and a quick way for her to stick her nose where it doesn't belong. It hasn't landed her in trouble yet, but there will be a time when it will.But all the while this is possible, asking questions has granted Mei more knowledge about things she didn't know prior. And this is useful in some circumstances, making it all the more worthwhile to continue. Shockingly, Meiling is the type of individual to follow any rules or laws that have been stated and laid before her. Everything she does is in accordance with authority, meaning she'll lean heavily towards 'snitching' on anyone she catches breaking rules for their own sake. But lean being the key word, as Mei wouldn't tell on someone who isn't truly in trouble. The she-wolf also acts in a respectable manner whenever possible, slightly fearful of upsetting someone. She'll always present herself politely, even if it's against her better judgment with an individual she particularly dislikes. Meiling is known to absorb everything from those that are close to her, such as thoughts and beliefs, and upholds them as if they're her own. Simply because she trusts them a lot and will take anything they say as fact. And it's not hard to get close to Mei, as she's a bit too forgiving and friendly to everyone she meets. Making her a bit too quick to believe everything she hears and otherwise gullible to potentially wicked individuals with ill intentions.Unbeknownst to most of her loved ones, the white wolf is very anxious. And it's entirely due to a lack of confidence in herself that she desperately wants to change. In her efforts to mask this, Meiling wants to show bravery whenever she can despite how scary things may seem. Stubbornly, she thinks that courage will stick if she continues to push for it. This is a bit reckless on her part, considering how she could land herself in major trouble. But showing off bravery is something Mei wants to inspire in other people, to enjoy the feeling of not being afraid like she hopes to one day achieve. And in order to avoid coming across as a bother, the female chooses to ask for little to nothing from other individuals. If she can help herself, she stubbornly will until having absolutely no other choice. Her sheltered upbringing is also a result of this, as independence is greatly sought after to prevent needing assistance. But it can be determined that the she-wolf simply doesn't like having to rely on other individuals, only due to wanting to accomplish things herself. And while help may sometimes be accepted, it varies and an insistent individual may just see the normally peaceful canine snap. Unintentionally, Meiling tends to try and conform to the society around her to better fit in and feel less like she hasn't found her place yet. It's a habit she's had since birth and hasn't quite tried to quit yet. Belonging somewhere is truly heartwarming to the white wolf, which makes her assume she needs to change into those around her to better adjust.It definitely can't be considered a positive in any way as Mei is hiding aspects of who she is as an individual without even knowing it. Fortunately, however, if one were to ask the right questions the honest side of her will always answer truthfully without any hesitation. Something about the canine that wouldn't be hard to see is her energy, as she's incredibly active and has a driving mindset about getting things done. This energy applies to her day-to-day life with genuine excitability and overall enthusiasm, even if it can be considered annoying and loud at times due to her screams and hollers. As expected, not everyone can easily coexist with Meiling without getting frustrated even a little bit, sometimes meaning befriending someone is extra challenging. Adding to this, she currently struggles with making choices in her everyday life. Unsure of what she wants exactly and what she needs makes getting things always trickier than it should be. And when the time comes into question, so does the time of whoever she must make the choice in front of. Which could be the boiling point for one that's particularly impatient. But being forced to make the decision faster only adds fuel to Mei's flames as she hates being forced to say something outright on the spot, and perhaps will be anything other than polite.

Always remember that your present situation is not your final destination. The best is yet to come.

》Mother《 Yingtai》Father《 Sultaan》Littermates《 Finnegan, Aiguo, Tao, & Yuxuan》Partner《 N/a》Young《 N/a

TW: Mentions of ableism and toxic relationships.

Meiling was born into Riverstead to two tundra wolf mixes by the names of Yingtai and Sultaan, alongside three siblings. Sultaan was a respected fisherman within the town, skilled in his craft and making enough coin to live steadily. He was renowned for his stern but caring nature, something that had always caught the she-wolf's attention. Yingtai was a charter but unlike Sultaan, she was incredibly inexperienced and frequently ran into issues throughout her duties. But she was incredibly sweet and daring, a bad individual in no way whatsoever. Getting lost and being unprepared for extra lengthy trips across the seas were the norm for Yingtai. For the longest time, the female never faced any life-changing consequences for all the things that seemed to go wrong. It all miraculously worked itself out in some way. That was until she became Sultaan's wife and was pregnant with her first litter, making her well-being crucial to that of her pups.Stubbornly throughout her time carrying the litter, Ying refused to stop working, even when her due date was just around the corner. And on one trip in particular across the stormy waters of Nevriande, the she-wolf's ship was violently thrown off course and her only crewmate was thrown overboard. After managing to survive the initial storm, Yingtai's ship crashed into an island a day later. From that point onward, survival became a major struggle for the expecting mother as she was already injured and unable to hunt. Days would go by as she could do nothing but starve, and only to make matters worse, she went into labor early. Hours of unassisted strained delivery later left the canine with five puppies, all alive but just barely. Three girls and two boys. The smallest of the litter happened to be a nearly all-snow-white girl, whom Yingtai named Meiling. Whilst the boys were named Aiguo and Finnegan and the other two girls were named Tao and Yuxuan.However, for the new family, only a few difficult days would pass before a rescue crew managed to find Yingtai before it was too late and bring her and her kids back to Riverstead. Sultaan was more than elated to be reunited with his wife and meet his newborn pups but life didn't get easier from that point onward. The growing pups ran into a multitude of issues due to being premature, the most drastic of which would be the vision loss observed in Meiling. As soon as their eyes were open, her corneas were noticeably cloudy and she struggled to respond to visual cues. Making the way she and her family alike go through life differently. By her parents' logic, the young wolf was expected to be accompanied by someone at all times and where she could go was very limited. It was done all in the name of her safety, but in turn, she was sheltered from most experiences that were normal parts of life.Meiling found it to be very unfair and soon began to feel like her family kept her trapped, so much so that she plotted to run away. She knew nothing about life or the true dangers of the world, but she desperately wanted to learn. At just a year old, the she-wolf made her great escape successfully and was surviving on her own on the outskirts of town. But surviving was all that she did, and just barely as she was virtually defenseless being so young. Luckily for Mei at the time, she'd crossed paths with a male Argentinian mastiff by the name of Dewi who was barely older than herself. Dewi presented himself as charming and the gullible young wolf was quick to begin living with him. With his help, she was no longer struggling, but physically that is. As early on in their relationship, the male demonstrated his preference to take care of Meiling in an overbearing manner.She was given even less freedom than what her parents gave her, and it sparked tension between the pair. The she-wolf never let the fights come to blows, but they were still quite loud and destructive. Meiling never hesitated to voice her mind in telling the male that she didn't need to be watched over like a child, but it always seemed to fall upon deaf ears. She was capable of doing so many things and yet Dewi acted like she couldn't. The stress he caused made Mei feel like she was going to lose her mind, and their relationship lasted seven months. It was constantly back and forth until the young female made the choice to run away again and leave yet another life behind. Like the first time, she did face hardship but now being a bit wiser it wasn't as bad as it could've been. And fortunately for the she-wolf, she ran into many travelers.Each of them kindly gave her directions to the capital of Skyheimr when asked where she could begin her life. The trip there wasn't easy in the slightest, as Meiling was dirty, starving, and injured, but she made it. There, she was able to finally see the joys of life without anyone's restraints. She was able to have discoveries and real friends and explore to her heart's content. Meiling soaked up every ounce of information she was given and would eventually take up a job as one of the city's medics. Soon, the female was able to make a living and better adjust to living within the crowded city, but it went without saying that she still hadn't seen much of the world. She's still quite young and must stick to paths easily traversable for someone such as herself, although Mei believes it's time to live with true freedom.

Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.

Congenital Cataracts Definition:Congenital cataracts are birth defects of the eye. Birth defects are structural changes present at birth that can affect almost any part of the body. They may affect how the body looks, works or both. Birth defects can cause problems in overall health, how the body develops or how the body works.A congenital cataract is when the lens of the eye is cloudy instead of clear at birth, making it hard to see. The lens is the tissue inside your eye that helps focus the light coming into your eye. Congenital cataracts can happen in one or both eyes. If congenital cataracts aren’t treated early, they can cause vision problems or blindness.There are two kinds of congenital cataracts:Syndromic. This is when congenital cataracts happen along with other birth defects or health conditions. For example, some babies with congenital cataracts also have Down syndrome. Down syndrome is a genetic condition that includes a combination of birth defects, such as intellectual and developmental disabilities, heart defects, certain facial features, and hearing and vision problems.Non-syndromic. This is when congenital cataracts are the only condition a baby has.Congenital cataracts are rare in babies, but cataracts can happen at any age. They’re more common in adults age 50 and older. Cataracts are the leading cause of vision loss in the United States, but they can be treated with surgery.Causes:We don’t know what causes most congenital cataracts. More research is needed, but some causes may include:Changes in genes or chromosomes. Some babies have birth defects because of changes in their genes (also called mutations) or changes in their chromosomes. Genes are part of your body’s cells that store instructions for the way your body grows and works. Genes are passed from parents to children. Chromosomes are the structures that hold genes.Injury during pregnancy. Physical trauma during pregnancy may cause injury to a baby’s eyes in the womb and lead to congenital cataracts. A pregnant woman may have physical trauma from a car accident, a sudden fall or from intimate partner violence (also called IPV).Having hypoglycemia during pregnancy. This is when your blood sugar levels (also called glucose levels) fall too low. If you have diabetes that isn’t under control, you may develop hypoglycemia. Diabetes is a medical condition in which your body has too much sugar in your blood. This can damage organs in your body, including blood vessels, nerves, eyes and kidneys. If you have diabetes, work with your health care provider to manage your condition during pregnancy.Premature birth. This is birth that happens too early, before 37 weeks of pregnancy. Premature babies have more health problems and may need to stay in the hospital longer than babies born later.Getting infections during pregnancy. You can pass certain infections to your baby during pregnancy that may cause birth defects and other health problems in your baby. Having these infections during pregnancy may increase your baby’s risk for congenital cataracts and other health problems:Other infections. Other infections that may be linked to congenital cataracts include:Influenza (also called the flu). This is a virus that can cause serious illness. The flu spreads easily from person to person. Symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches and fatigue.Measles. Measles is a virus that can cause serious health complications, including premature birth, pneumonia, swelling in the brain and even death. If you have measles, you may have a high fever, cough, runny nose, watery eyes and rash. It spreads easily to others when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks.Polio (also called poliomyelitis). Polio is an infection caused by poliovirus. It affects the brain and spinal cord and can cause paralysis. This is when you can’t move one or more parts of your body. Polio now is very rare in the United States.
Rubella (also called German measles). This is an infection that causes mild flu-like symptoms and a rash on the skin.
Toxoplasmosis. This is an infection caused by a parasite that lives in soil. You can get infected by eating undercooked meat or touching cat poop. Toxoplasmosis can cause problems like body aches, headache, fatigue (being really tired) or fever.The Effects:Having congenital cataracts, Meiling was born with cloudiness over the cornea of her eyes that severely impacted her ability to see. And the cloudiness is very visible, as her otherwise brown eyes have a faded but beautiful nonetheless appearance. What the white wolf can see is very limited, but she still retains some of her vision such as viewing light and the movements that create shadows. Mei can tell what time of day it is by her body normally waking up at dawn. She also can determine if someone is standing nearby but only in the daylight that is. At nighttime, there is no light that casts over shapes meaning she sees nothing at night. But even in the daylight, if she were to walk into a large shadow such as one cast by a tree or walk into a cave, she won't be able to see.Weather is another determining factor if the light is visible to the she-wolf, as storms block out sunlight and bring heavy rain and winds. The shadows Mei does see are quite blurry and are usually just dark indistinguishable blobs of varying sizes, depending on what casts them. The ways the-she wolf copes with this are moving carefully at night and with a bit more freedom during a clear day, both of which still prompt her to feel the ground around her and use her hearing and sense of smell to the fullest. Meiling also can feel the ground for vibrations to tell if something massive is coming her way and determine if she should move quickly or not. She also isn't hesitant whatsoever when it comes to trying to hunt, despite not usually having ideal outcomes.

OOC Trivia:

  • One of my favorite ocs, and one I've very proud of.

  • Her 2022 version is revamped from the 2020 version, the history is still similar, but her personality is meant to be more empowering.

  • She's my precious soft girl.

  • Meiling has an upcoming character arc where she becomes more outspoken.

IC Trivia:

  • Meiling did learn how to swim from her parents.

  • She doesn't keep in contact with any of her kin, although she wants to change that.

  • Mei enjoys picking flowers that have sweet smells.

  • The she-wolf isn't afraid of getting her coat dirty but would still like to be able to wash it afterward.

  • She views mushrooms as a parasite to plants and actively tries to remove them from trees.